Below is a list of commonly asked questions with answers on this topic.

As of October 2021, the only shipper of vape cartridges was the USPS (United States Postal Service). Towards the end of October 2021, the USPS has decided that they to will now stop shipping any vape cartridges, vape pens or smokable hemp product to consumers. The USPS will continue to allow B2B (business to business ) sales but only until the final ruling which should be done still later this year. M Six Labs will be able to continue to manufacture and sell these products to business only or until the ruling is reversed.

We currently have one size. It is a 1 ml.

The best way to store a vape cartridge no matter who it has been purchased from is upright. Store in a cool place and out of direct sunlight for best results.

We use Delta 8 distillate which is derived from Industrial Hemp and terpenes for flavoring. That is it.

There is so much to learn and understand about terpenes but the short answer is this, terpenes come from plants and fruits found all over the world. They can come from a fruit, a herb, or a flower. When you smell a freshly cut lemon, lime or orange, that smell you just experienced is from the oils of that freshly cut fruit. It came from the peel and or the fruit inside. Terpense are extracted from fruits, herbs, and flowers. These extracted terpense are then added to the Delta 8 distillate.

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We Formulate Comfort 1920 x 175-01