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Below is a list of commonly asked questions with answers on this topic.

We use 100% PURE Finest Quality Food Grade Avocado Oil.

We can make you any flavor that you want. Natural or Artificial flavoring will work. We currently have these flavors every day.

Yes, you can get it in bulk. It is available from 1 gallon up to 55 gallon drums.

Some people are allergic to coconut based oils. Avocado base is a great alternative.

According to WebMD  September 30, 2020, Avocado oil is a heart-healthy oil, high in oleic acid, which is an unsaturated fat. It contains vitamin E and also helps the body absorb other fat-soluble vitamins. Avocado oil is a good source of monounsaturated fat which has been linked to reducing LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL cholesterol.

Yes, we do have test results for our Avocado based tinctures. If you go to our test results page you can find them there by strength. We us DEA Certified Laboratories for our testing.

As with all supplements, they are best when they are not kept in a hot and or humid area. Not placed in direct sunlight. Not kept in an area that it can freeze. It is best to store them in a dark dry area. Like a medicine cabinet, kitchen cabinet or locker. Always remember to store them out of the reach of children.

Avocado Oil Base Tincture 1920 x 1080-01
We Formulate Comfort 1920 x 175-01