CBD 1920 x 175-01

Below is a list of commonly asked questions with answers on this topic.

CBD (CANNABIDIOL) is one of the most active ingredients in the cannabis plant. Since the Industrial Hemp plant is a very close cousin to the cannabis plant it to contains CBD but with not the same over all affects that one gets from using cannabis products.

Through the extraction process we can pull or remove all the cannabinoids from the Industrial Hemp plant. This does not only include CBD but everything that will get stripped from the plant during extraction.

Depending on what step of the extraction process, CBD looks like anything from foamy peanut butter to honey. It also looks like crude oil from the petroleum industry in one stage. So the look of CBD look change depending on what stage it is in, from plant extraction to finished or distilled. it changes its look. Great CBD looks like golden honey. The same color profile and the same thick constancy.

CBD oil can be added to almost anything. However, when you add an oil to a water base it will separate.

Cool dry places out of the sun.

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